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Date: 2010-10-10 13:36:00: General alert: 2x a/males going from door to door asking for money in Eugene Marais str Constantia // S08 and Sierra Mike and patrollers infmd.

Date: 2010-10-10 12:02:00: Susp c/male known as Sebastian walking in Orega Rd Spectra area with 2xsteel poles// Kirstenhof SAPS and M32 monitoring him.
Date: 2010-10-10 08:26:00: armed robbery in schilpadvlei rd constantia by 3x c/males with fire arms// 1xc/male has a blue jeans and black jacket with scarf on // N22/B55/S06/S/mike and SAPS infmd and at scene
Date: 2010-10-10 03:14:00: pos. break inn the range orphen rd tokai side window broken a/r cant conf. whats stolen follow /up with key holders SAPS IR 1598207
Date: 2010-10-10 00:59:00: susp character apprehended by saps cnr dirkie uys /baartman str southfield for possession of play station2 plus games with no proof of ownership susp taken in for morphetouch
Date: 2010-10-09 22:53:00: susp white opel astra pulled off by BH security for reckless & drunken driving on main rd direction wynberg saps infd f56 conf saps charging susp with drunken driving
Date: 2010-10-09 22:30:00: x4 c/m susp morpetouched by saps under bridge on M5 x1 susp arrested for outstanding charges susp booked for next court appearance
Date: 2010-10-09 21:20:00: Attempted robbery - outside Toyota Diep River. Suspect headed towards Southfield / Parkwood. Tall, thin, dark complection wearing black cap, blue jacket & blue jeans
Date: 2010-10-09 20:15:00: Kids attending Bergvliet High function misbehaving in bergvliet & heerengracht rd saps infd aio /kids waiting on parents for lift
Date: 2010-10-09 19:30:00: susp character c/m white top blue jeans empty petrol can loafing for money in bergvliet rd a/r removed character out of area
Date: 2010-10-09 12:28:00: Breakin in Palm Str Tokia / susps flee prem when alarm was activated//VK04,VK15,S16,S02 and BKM patrollers infmd & at scene
Date: 2010-10-09 02:31:00: Veh accident cnr Howard /Firgrove Bergvliet SAPS informed no injuries.
Date: 2010-10-08 22:58:00: Waterpipe burst cnr Kingsway / Princess Royal Southfield ref 2275661
Date: 2010-10-08 21:27:00: Susp red Nissan CA751814 driving at high speed down Main Rd direction Wynberg SAPS informed.
Date: 2010-10-08 17:02:00: Armed robbery in Hermina Avenue Constantia earlier this afternoon// 2xa/males on bicycles with knives//SAPS,S08 and S15 on scene // susps fled on bicycles
Date: 2010-10-08 16:58:00: 4x breakdown trucks speeding in area of HowardRd and Newton Dr--patrollers to be on the lookout for them and report to control.
Date: 2010-10-07 15:45:00: Arrest x3c/m captured by SAPS for robbing a lady cnr Aberfeldi/Chard Rd Kirstenhof.
Date: 2010-10-07 13:40:00: Attempted breakin Cyprus Close security gate forced nothing stolen SAPS down x3 c/m no discrpt.
Date: 2010-10-07 11:55:00: Susp white bakkie no canopy CA762357 x2 b/m driving around Dreyersdal Bergvliet / VK4 SAPS infd B14 conf spoke to occp of vech conf working in the area removing garden refuse .A-Zero vehicle has left the area direction Grassy Park.
Date: 2010-10-07 10:02:00: Telkom wire hanging loose cnr Dellingham / Mount prospect. Telkom infd. clients to f/up with necessary details.
Date: 2010-10-07 03:57:00: Attempted breakin Rutherford Way, Meadowridge - 2x c/males tried to force gate open and fled when they got disturbed by client. SAPS Diepriver has been informed and general alert given to patrolers.
Date: 2010-10-07 00:30:00: Breakin Main Rd Plumstead - front door has been forced open. SAPS Diepriver has been informed.
Date: 2010-10-06 20:43:00: Suspicious bakkie red on the lower half and white on the upper with a canopy, only the front light is working, no reg. Vehicle was last seen in Susan Way Tokai and left area.
Date: 2010-10-06 20:37:00: B20 Reported a suspcious white Toyota Conquest reg CA328364 2x c/males last seen at Bergvliet High, known for breaking into vehicles. Vehicle went direction Bergvliet, Constantia Hills area. SAPS has been informed.Gen alert given to patrollers.
Date: 2010-10-06 18:38:00: Robbery/assault - Apollo Rd, Diep Rivier - maroon Toyota Tazz CA417 063 x2 c/m - held lady up at gunpoint knife - Steenberg SAPS infd - VD53 & F56 confirmed lady was thrown to the ground - nothing taken.
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All persons and/or vehicles referred to are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
E & OE.